ITOne’s Newest Mascot: The Why, the What, and the Reason

Tech Insights | 09 November 2022 

When you look at companies, what do you see, do you see them as an organization? Or a company that sells a product or service? Maybe you see organizations that are all similar and are just competing on price. The more important question we want to ask you is, how do you analyze that a company is valuable to you?  More importantly, do you know how ITOne can add value to your organization and why we say that we are one of the best in the industry?

Well, here’s what we did to make ourselves stand out from the rest.

The brightest minds after weeks of brainstorming realized that ITOne isn’t just a regular company, or rather we don’t want to be just a regular company, undifferentiated from a large number of companies in the world. We are different, we are unique, our clients know this, and it’s about time you do too.

To represent this in the best possible way, we came up with our very own Brand Mascot “ito”.

ITOne’s Newest Mascot: The Why, the What, and the Reason

ito is a lion, an animal known for its strength, its boldness, and ability to be unquestionably the “King of the Jungle”, and that’s exactly what we want to be known for. The strength of our services is our ability to lead and understand what clients want and how to best provide it. And we want to be the king of the tech industry.

Ito, the lion, has a mane that it wears like a crown, everybody knows who a lion is, and that’s another reason why we chose him as our mascot. Powerful, strong, and a leader.

But this isn’t the only reason why we chose a mascot, It’s not just about what “Ito” represents, it’s about what it can mean to you.

As an example, when you think of Mcdonald’s, the first thought that comes to your mind must be the clown mascot and happiness.

Well similar to that, we want our mascot to be our identity. Lions in their field, are professional, and dominating and will leave no stone unturned in their ability to deliver and exceed expectations of our client’s requirements.

We hope you enjoy the story and concept behind our new brand mascot as much as we do.

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